Starting As A Beginner
Beginner tutorial into web development Learn about developing your first website using HTML and CSS.
Collections of Components
Web components by Codestich A collection of web components. Code provided.
Collections of Components Using Astro
Components in the Starlight Github project The Github repo of the Starlight project by the Astro team.
Components in the Fulldev UI Github project The Github repo of the Fulldev UI component library.
W3 Validator Validate your HTML.
Generate markup A tool to generate markup.
Favicon Generator Provide an image and get all files needed for your favicon.
Optimize your SVGs Optimise your SVGs.
Can I use? See browser support for various HTML and CSS keywords.
Kevin Powell Youtube Understand CSS.
Web Development Advice (Blog Posts)
Common web dev mistakes Some common web development mistakes to avoid.
Understand markup Learn how to use markup for your website.
Good Forms How to build good designed forms.
Implementing dark and light mode toggle Have your site toggle between light and dark mode.
MDN Docs The go-to documentation for web developers.
W3 Schools Introduction into HTML things.
Web Dev Some more information on HTML and its friends.
Full freelancing guide Indepth guide to web freelancing.
Community & Infotainment
r/webdev Reddit Reddit forum dedicated to web development.
Hacker News Tech focussed community site. Not necessarily web development.
Graphic Design Psychology Introduction Understand how people perceive and process information.
Homepage Design Example How the website for a business proposition could look like.
Spacing Rules Rules for good spacing.
HTML5up example websites Example websites for you to copy.
Discussion about modern web dev Discussion blog post on (not) React, Browsers and Web Standards.
Accessibility Checklist An accessibility checklist by the a11y project.